View a wide array of image formats including JPEG, TGA, TIFF, DCX, PNG, PSD, BMP, DWF, PCX, PSP, DCX, EMF, WMF, PST, CUR, etc. as well as AVI, MPEG, and a few other video formats. The tool also converts between the formats that were previously mentioned.
VaryView is a handy image viewer / converter for picture, photo, fax and CAD files created in popular raster and vector graphics formats. It allows you to view, convert and print your single or multi-page images in a variety of ways: a set of thumbnails, single images at many zoom levels, print preview and slide show. VaryView supports AFP ANI AVI AWD BMP CAL CALS CG4 CGM CIT CLP CMP CMX COT CUR CUT DCX DGN DIB DRW DWF DWG DXF EMF EPS EXF EXIF FAX FLC FLI FPX FXD FXM FXR FXS G3 G4 GBR HGL HPG HPGL ICA ICO IFF IMG IOC IOCA ITG JFF JIF JPEG JPG JTF LAS MAC MIL MPEG MPG MSP ODA PAS PAW PBM PCD PCL PCT PCX PGL PGL PGM PICT PLT PNG PNM PPM PRN PRT PSD PSP PTO PTOC RDL RGB RGBA RLE SCT SGI SHP SMP SUN SVG TG4 TGA TIF TIFF VWP VWPG WBM WBMP WFX WMF WPG XBM XPM XWD file extensions. You can also copy images to the clipboard to import into other applications and print in a variety of ways: powerful preview, detail alignment and layout, rotate, mirror, invert color, header, footer and more.
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